Redefining the Hungarian Cigar Scene with Peter Füzi from OPERA - Mix Match Up

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Redefining the Hungarian Cigar Scene with Peter Füzi from OPERA

Cigar culture is thriving within Hungary, notably within Budapest, wherever enthusiasts gather inside stylish lounges for enjoy premium cigars plus discuss diverse flavors. These venues, blending history together with luxury, provide a sophisticated plus enjoyable experience due to cigar lovers. Today’s interview features Peter Füzi, a pioneer within Hungary’s evolving cigar culture.

OPERA is well-known due to its passion because of handmade sticks, reinventing the Hungarian cigar culture, as well as launching a rising tide associated with cigar aficionados.

Today we sat down together with Peter Füzi, the CEO plus Founder belonging to OPERA CIGAR SHOP & LOUNGE, discussing the evolving Hungarian cigar scene plus its future.

MIDWAY: Who is Peter Füzi? Could you share a bit concerning your journey? How did you get towards the world belonging to fine cigars as well as which inspired you for open your shop?

PETER : First belonging to all, thanks because of having me!

I am currently 31 years old together with a journey that began similarly to a passion in the age belonging to 16 plus has evolved towards a business similarly to it is now.

My father has been within the tobacco business because of almost half a century now plus continues for be involved.

Peter Fuzi Opera Cigar Shop as well as Lounge Interview 4
Peter Füzi, CEO plus Founder belonging to Opera Cigar Shop plus Lounge

Back inside the days inside my hometown, Eger, Philip Morris had a factory wherever my dad started working in the age belonging to 18.

My kindergarten was located inside this factory area, that meant I had for walk by means of the tobacco aroma every single day, what was very inspiring.

Later on, I was an exchange student within Taiwan in the residence associated with one associated with the vice presidents belonging to the Bank associated with Shanghai. He smoked a lot belonging to cigars, therefore every time I asked my father for send him sticks, I secretly smoked them through myself, plus my passion because of cigars began.

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At that time, I did not really understand this world similar to now, yet the ritual itself was already a pleasure plus eventually led me towards these days.

After years associated with exploration as well as learning, I decided towards share my love due to cigars via rebranding our tobacco shop, creating a space wherever enthusiasts can discover as well as savor the finest selections whilst enjoying them on our lounge.

“The OPERA Lounge Project was a complicated process yet we knew we had towards do it!”

M: OPERA is known because of its curated selection belonging to premium cigars. How do you go regarding choosing the cigars that make it onto your shelves? Do you have a particular philosophy alternatively criteria?

P : Absolutely. Curating our collection is a meticulous process. We focus atop offering diverse flavors, strengths, plus origins towards cater for a broad audience due to any budget.

“Our philosophy is that smoking a good cigar is because of everyone! The aim was for create a place at which place you can enjoy your smoke regardless of associated with your experience, your attire, alternatively your wallet.”

Quality is paramount, plus we prioritize partnerships accompanied by reputable cigar makers.

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As wholesalers, we provide one-quarter associated with the cigars available inside Hungary.

Customer feedback plus trends in addition play a significant role inside shaping our selection, ensuring that we stay attuned for the evolving preferences associated with our worldwide patrons.

M: Walking towards OPERA, one immediately senses a welcoming atmosphere. How do you cultivate this environment, plus the thing that do you believe sets your shop apart within terms belonging to customer experience?

P : Creating a welcoming atmosphere is crucial. We aim for make every visit a memorable experience because of our customers. Knowledgeable plus friendly staff, comfortable seating, plus a well-maintained environment contribute for the overall ambiance, what was designed through my lovely wife.

Moreover, we host events, tastings, plus educational sessions towards foster a sense belonging to community amongst our patrons. It’s more than just selling cigars; it’s concerning sharing a passion as well as building a community surrounding it.

What I truly believe is the greatest value we offer is the environment, the selection belonging to cigars plus that everyone can have a face-to-face consultation accompanied by us, regardless of belonging to the existing knowledge one has.

If you are a beginner I walk you by means of the cutting plus lighting process, plus explain, originating from the structure associated with the cigar similar to filler, binder as well as wrapper layer for the history associated with the cigars.

M: Owning a cigar shop undoubtedly comes together with its challenges as well as rewards. Could you share some associated with the highlights as well as obstacles you’ve encountered in the company of the way?

P : Owning OPERA has been a rewarding journey, nevertheless it comes together with its challenges.

Regulatory changes, sourcing premium cigars consistently, as well as adapting towards alternatively sometimes even setting market trends are ongoing challenges.

However, the joy belonging to connecting accompanied by fellow enthusiasts, witnessing the harmony within our shop, plus helping customers discover their perfect cigar make it all worthwhile.

Opera Cigar Shop & Lounge

“One day I got a phone call for send cigars for Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, that we happily did. We have sent a box belonging to Austrian edition Cuban cigar stemming from my personal collection.”

A rewarding challenge will be our new “Cigar Project” within the making. I cannot tell you more regarding this now, nevertheless it will be an exciting next chapter together with many new ideas for come.

M: Before we wrap this up, tell me how many cigars do you smoke daily?

P : It depends on top of how much time I have on top of that day, nevertheless usually I smoke 3-4 cigars.

Peter Fuzi Opera Cigar Shop as well as Lounge Interview 2

M: We are coming for the end belonging to our cigars. It’s been a pleasure diving towards the world belonging to premium cigars accompanied by you, Peter. Thank you because of sharing your insights as well as experiences. Where can our readers find you?

P: If you’re ever within Budapest, be sure towards visit OPERA Cigar Shop & Lounge due to a truly exceptional cigar experience. For more information as well as daily updates follow us atop Instagram: @operatrafik .

Thank you due to having me. It’s been a pleasure. Until next time, happy smoking!

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