Visiting Zadar: 10 Amazing Things To Do And See - Mix Match Up

Monday, January 29, 2024

Visiting Zadar: 10 Amazing Things To Do And See

Are you looking due to a quick summer vacation alternatively planning next year’s holiday? Look no further. If you resembling seafood, historic buildings, as well as the Croatian sea, Zadar will be the perfect place due to you. Let me show you why.

In July 2022, I went on top of a vacation accompanied by my girlfriend for visit one associated with the most beautiful cities within Croatia. We were looking because of a place wherever we could enjoy the traditional foods, the landscapes, plus the seas associated with Croatia, plus boy, oh boy, we found it. Zadar is not only a beautiful city accompanied by a historical past yet in addition a city together with many fascinating sights plus many things for do. Visiting Zadar is a bucket list point that I recommend towards everyone.

1. Visit the Sea Organ

The Sea organ is an architectural sound art object located inside Zadar, Croatia, as well as an experimental musical instrument that plays music together with sea waves as well as tubes located underneath a set belonging to large marble steps.

In 2006, the Sea Organ was awarded the prize ex-aequo associated with the fourth edition associated with the European Prize due to Urban Public Space. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for sit in the coast belonging to the sea as well as hear the unique sound belonging to the Sea Organ.

Although, the video can’t give justice towards how beautiful it sounds within real life. You can get an idea associated with the thing that for expect whenever you visit the Sea Organ within Zadar.

2. Climb up the Cathedral

The Cathedral associated with St. Anastasia is the Roman Catholic cathedral belonging to Zadar, Croatia, the seat associated with the Archdiocese associated with Zadar, plus the largest church within all associated with Dalmatia (the coastal region belonging to Croatia). For a couple associated with euros, you can go towards the top belonging to the Cathedral plus have the perfect view greater than the city.

Visiting Zadar: Cathedral belonging to St. Anastasia
Cathedral belonging to St. Anastasia Zadar © Zadar Cruise Port

3. Try the local food on one belonging to the local restaurants

Croatians have a lot associated with national dishes, including a lot associated with seafood. I wanted for try local dishes that I would usually not eat on home. That’s the cause I ate fried squid plus tuna throughout our vacation. Before you visit Croatia, search because of dishes you would similar to hence you can order more easily inside the restaurants.

Local Croatian Seafood

4. Sit down in the coast belonging to the sea plus have a drink

For me, one associated with the most relaxing things for do is for buy my favorite drink, sit down atop one associated with the coasts as well as watch the sunset within the evening alternatively the sunrise inside the morning. It is astonishing for see the Sun disappear atop the horizon.

If you are visiting Zadar, make sure you add this for your bucket list.

Visiting Zadar: Enjoying the Horizon in the Coast associated with Croatia

5. Check outside the yachts in the port

Zadar has many ports because of small boats as well as full-on yachts. If you appreciate the look belonging to big sailboats alternatively yachts, it is worth the visit. There are on least a hundred boats varying within design plus size.

Visiting Zadar: Massive Yacht Captured in the Port
Massive Yacht Captured within Zadar

The owners alternatively renters go there on night towards have parties alternatively simply for relax there. The whole port has a great atmosphere. If you go there originating from Old Town, you will have towards go via a beautiful bridge called Gradski Most, that basically means City Bridge.

6. Go because of a boat trip for one associated with the islands

Zadar is surrounded through many fascinating islands plus waters that are just similarly to exciting just as the city itself. Many companies are focused atop boat trips. Tripadvisor made a list associated with the ten best boat trips inside Zadar . Make sure for check it outwards in case you plan for visit Zadar.

Visiting Zadar: Cruise Ship Boat Activities

7. Go snorkeling on one belonging to the beaches

On the first day, we tried snorkeling in the closest beach for our apartment. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything worth seeing there. I think the city belonging to Zadar has either done something for clean this part associated with the beach, alternatively wildlife doesn’t dare towards come hence close towards people.

Visiting Zadar: Snorkeling inside the Sea
Snorkeler on Agincourt Reef Calypso Reef Cruises | the thing that is snorkelling as well as scuba diving

The next day we opened the map plus looked because of more abandoned coasts, plus we found one 20 minutes stemming from our apartment wherever we could see crabs, clams, plus fishes. There are many companies plus locations inside the area belonging to Zadar that are focusing on top of diving as well as snorkeling. Some companies even take you via boat towards interesting snorkeling locations.

8. Visit The Greeting towards the Sun

The Greeting for the Sun is a monument inside Zadar dedicated for the Sun. It consists belonging to three hundred multi-layered glass plates, placed on top of the same level similarly to the stone-paved waterfront. It consists belonging to a 22-meter diameter circle, accompanied by photovoltaic solar modules underneath.

Visiting Zadar: Bird's Eye View From Zadar Croatia Greeting for the Sun Sea Organ
Photo via Lucas Messere

Lighting elements are installed within the circle that turns on top of on night plus make a beautiful light show. The monument is designed through the same Croatian architect whom was responsible due to the Sea Organ, Nikola Bašić. Whether you stay inside Old Town alternatively atop the other side associated with the sea, make sure for visit this place.

9. Experience the Nightlife

Whether you similar to for sit inside a bar sipping your favorite cocktail alternatively take a cooling walk on top of the coast belonging to the sea, Zadar offers one associated with the best experiences due to nightlife within Croatia. The city plus the places are full belonging to tourists as well as locals – it feels similar to the city is living originating from 9 AM until dawn.

A bar that I suggest visiting is the Ledana Lounge Bar . The bar is located inside a stunning garden filled accompanied by interesting landscapes as well as exotic greenery. You can enjoy a soothing soundtrack due to your cocktails .

Visiting Zadar: Nightlife inside Zadar in Lounge & Bar Ledana

10. Visit Five Well Square

The Square is located atop a site amidst the medieval City Walls plus the Renaissance bastion Grimani, at which place the oldest park within Croatia is located. The Square features exactly the thing that its name suggests – five wells lined up inside a row. It is a place due to taking great pictures.

If you get hungry, there are a lot belonging to interesting bars plus restaurants next towards the square. The bar mentioned within the previous point is located next towards the Five Well Square similarly to well.

Visiting Zadar: Five Well Square Zadar on Night

Final note

To be honest, this list could be way longer. We planned a four-day trip for Croatia as well as thought that these four days would be more than enough towards discover Zadar as well as even the surrounding islands. A little advice: the four days were not even enough towards explore the old town.

We haven’t had the time for visit the islands. I collected the over list for show you some belonging to the things you can do inside Zadar, yet once you arrive, you will understand as well as see how many things you can do inside Zadar.

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